
Voices Unsilenced

"Voices Unsilenced" - A category that advocates for equal rights and opportunities for all, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion, or other marginalized identities. Here I share articles that celebrate diversity, acceptance, and women's rights. I believe that having conversations about these issues is important to create a more inclusive and just world. Whether you identify as LGBTQ+, are an ally or a proud feminist. I hope you find something of interest here. Join the discussion by leaving a comment or sharing your own story.  And "Thank You" for reading and taking part!

  • Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

    Diversität am Arbeitsplatz

    Diversität und Inklusion am Arbeitsplatz gehen Hand in Hand. Unternehmen sollten eine vielfältige Belegschaft fördern und unterstützen.

  • Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

    Was ist Pinkwashing?

    Marken, die Pinkwashing betreiben, nutzen die Gelegenheit, im Juni von Regenbogen- oder anderen PRIDE-bezogenen Waren zu profitieren. Wie hat das…

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